Your interest is greatly appreciated. You can leave a message for us at (888) 908-5766 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For faster service, please email Chelsea Pyne, Educational Programs Manager at:
[email protected]
Or mail us at: PO Box 30783, Tucson, AZ 85751-0783

Brain Longevity Therapy Training Scholarships
If you would like to take Brain Longevity Therapy Training, (BLTT) and are willing to share what you have learned with your community, apply for the BLTT Scholarship.
BLTT Scholarships will cover 100% of the cost of the training program. We encourage ALL to apply and be willing to share what you learn with underserved communities. We are committed to an inclusive and diverse membership who would like to share this knowledge and empower others through educational outreach. You may consider sharing The 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention® with your community.
The 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention
- Diet & Supplements
- Stress Management
- Exercise: Mental & Physical
- Spiritual Fitness
We offer assistance to you in our BLTT community forums along with growth opportunities and support. During the year, you will be able to attend various webinars and symposiums that will enhance your understanding of the training, all part of the scholarship.
The selection process will be based on the following criteria:
- How you plan to apply this training and your experience
- Your motivation and inspiration for choosing this training program
To begin your application process, please click on the box below and fill out your application. It will then go to Dr. Cathy Watkins, ARPF Scholarship Ambassador and Coordinator. Thank you for your interest in the BLTT!